While just about everyone enjoys the warm weather of spring and summer, there are very few out there that enjoy the bugs and pests the seasons bring. If you’re not already having your lawn treated for pests, and you enjoy a little gardening, you may want to consider planting some of these pest-repelling plants around your house.

But what if you have pets? While plants like citronella, eucalyptus, and tansy are known for their pest-repelling properties, they’re also toxic to dogs and cats. But don’t worry. All the plants on this list are completely pet-safe and will help to keep pests out of your hair.


mint leaves

The oil from mint plants repel ticks, fleas, ants, mice, and moths. Mint is also great for cooking. Do keep in mind that mint is an invasive plant. So unless you want a garden full of mint, you’ll want to keep them in separate pots. You can hide your potted mint plants under the soil or decoratively place them around your house. You can even place some mint on your counter tops to keep away any ants that manage to sneak in.


the rosemary plant

Another cooking favorite, rosemary will give you the same level of protection as your mint plants. Try planting some rosemary in the herb garden near your outdoor living space. Don’t have an herb garden? Then start one! Not only will you have fresh herbs to add some flavor to your cooking, you’ll also enjoy many pest-free mornings and nights to come.



Who doesn’t like a cup of warm chamomile tea? These daisy-like plants will help keep fleas away and is even said to improve the overall health of your garden. Its sweet apple aroma should be enough to make you want some of these beauties around your home.

For more on pest-repelling plants, head over to your local plant nursery. Just make sure that what you get is safe for your pets.